Using your Girls Play Too Downloadables

First, grab your downloadables here:

For girls: iPlayFootyToo
For your parents: myDaughterPlaysFootyToo

For those with Photoshop:

  1. Open your photo in Photoshop (or other layer-capable editing software)
  2. Crop it into a 900 x 900px square
  3. In Photoshop, select File > Place and select the overlay
  4. Merge all layers and save your new image
  5. Upload to your social media profiles 🙂

No Photoshop? No problem.

  1. Make sure your photo is a cropped to a square
  2. Head to
  3. Click the Click to Load Image button at the top of the page
  4. Select and upload your photo
  5. Under the MIX column, click on Combine Overlay
  6. Click Click To Activate Image Selection and drag the selection to cover your photo
  7. Select the Girls Play Too overlay
  8. Click Convert
  9. Click the Save This Image link above the generated photo
  10. Upload to your social media profiles 🙂

Note that is a third party application and we cannot provide any technical support for their program or website.

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