Page 13 - AFL Queensland 2015 Year in Review
P. 13
AFL Queensland smashed pa icipation targets in 2015, with numbers exceeding 200,000 for the first time across the state and No hern Rivers.
Total pa icipation grew to 216,381, a 20 per cent increase on 2014 and
well in excess of the national growth rate of eight per cent.
Key findings by research group Street Ryan include a 32 per cent increase in football competition pa icipants and a 37 per cent increase in the number of females
playing Australia’s game.
AFL Queensland State Development Manager Mark Ensor said the large jump in growth reflected AFL Queensland’s e o s in making Australian Football accessible to all.
“Our target for 2015 was 200,000 and to have exceeded that figure so dramatically is a testament to the quality of our programs and the sta  and volunteers who deliver them,” said Ensor.
“A 32 per cent growth in competitions is a remarkable e o  by the whole of the Queensland football community, pa icularly our game development sta  who work so e ectively with junior clubs and schools to transition boys
and girls from our programs to competitions,” he said.
Ensor said female pa icipation remained a key focus for AFL Queensland, with a vision that includes establishing Queensland
as Australia’s most appealing and successful state for female football.
“Queensland has led the charge in female football with women and girls now representing one third of our pa icipation base,” he said.
“To achieve 37 per cent growth in just one year is an incredible result and stands us in good stead as the AFL works towards the establishment of a national women’s competition.”
Significant pa icipation growth was recorded on a regional base throughout the state, with Hervey Bay (69 per cent), Cape York (45 per cent), No hern Rivers (40 per cent), Sunshine Coast (39 per cent), Logan (38 per cent) and Moreton Bay (30 per cent) achieving the highest increases.

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