Page 14 - AFL Queensland Facilities Plan 2014-2020
P. 14
The Changing Grassroots Football Landscape
AFL Queensland recognises that the landscape for community sport – and within that, the grassroots Australian football landscape – is changing rapidly.
From a facilities viewpoint, this will mean that more effort needs
to be made to ensure that capital
is invested wisely and sustainably wherever possible. There are several political, social, environmental and technological trends that are likely to greatly influence the future development and management of
community football facilities. AFL Queensland will seek to work with our partner clubs, leagues, Councils and schools to address each of the following Key Trends to ensure that our facility network responds to the changing football landscape.
Reduced Government Funding
AFL Queensland’s Football Facilities Audit reveals that 97% of Australian football facilities in Queensland and the NSW Northern Rivers are located on sites owned by local Councils and schools. At a time of government budgetary pressure at all levels, it will be essential that all AFL community stakeholders work closely with local Councils and schools to protect and sustain these facilities to ensure that they continue to viably support sport within our communities. AFL Queensland will work closely with all partners to find innovative ways to reduce costs and source funding to sustain an efficient network of community football facilities.
Lockyer Valley Demons needed to relocate from Gatton Showgrounds due to its use throughout the football season for equestrian and truck show events, which were destroying the oval turf. With their local community struggling to recover from floods in 2011 and 2013, the Demons secured a potential oval site on the proviso that they supply the facility. In true community collaboration, AFL Queensland provided and mounted goal posts, Cahill Park Sporting Association seeded and irrigated the rich soil, and Lockyer Valley Regional Council provided surplus dongas for change rooms and amenities. The club has further tapped the in-kind support of its members to cover a concrete cricket wicket and provide shade, seating and a canteen for spectators.

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