Page 15 - AFL Queensland Facilities Plan 2014-2020
P. 15
Financial Sustainability
In light of the fact that government funding will be very tight
over coming years, clubs and leagues must work with AFL Queensland to identify how opportunities
for income can be maximised and how costs can be minimised. Government funding will be increasingly
premised upon multi- use of community facilities and facility managers will be encouraged to use facilities on a 24/7 basis. AFL Queensland will provide advice and support for clubs and leagues in this process, sharing best practice across our affiliate network.
LEVERAGING BUILT INFRASTRUCTURE – KEDRON LIONS Kedron Lions used grant funding totalling $600,000 to retrofit unused clubhouse function space into new office accommodation for lease to Mission Australia, which provides the club with a reliable
new revenue stream and ensures the facility is used during working hours. The Lions also upgraded their canteen to commercial standards at a cost of $100,000, which is leased to a commercial caterer
to provide additional revenue and provide meals at club training
nights and functions. Revenue leveraged from their existing build infrastructure underwrites the broader maintenance program at their suburban Brisbane facility.
Players from the Kedron Lions AFC

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