Page 17 - AFL Queensland Facilities Plan 2014-2020
P. 17
PLANNING FOR DROUGHT – AFL QUEENSLAND SPORTS TURF UNIT AFL Queensland formed a Sports Turf Unit in 2008 in response to
the deteriorating state of Brisbane community ovals during a sustained period of drought. The unit provides support for clubs in South East Queensland that lack volunteers
to adequately manage their turf programs and provides high quality technical expertise to clubs seeking turf management education. The Unit has since expanded to offer services in irrigation and drainage installation, oval remediation and new oval construction and provides and support on turf management matters as diverse as water harvesting and goal post installation.
Environmental Sustainability
Medium to long term projections indicate that Australia will experience more frequent and severe periods of drought, coupled with rising costs of maintaining national electricity and water grids. These trends will collectively require that community football facilities become more environmentally sustainable. Responses at
local facility level may include the installation of rainwater harvesting systems for oval irrigation, the installation of solar panels and energy efficient appliances and LED floodlighting and the establishment on ovals of more drought-tolerant grass species. AFL Queensland will provide advice and support for clubs seeking to address environmental sustainability issues, such as the AFL Green Clubs program.

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