Page 18 - AFL Queensland Facilities Plan 2014-2020
P. 18
New Participation Formats
Australian football continues to change and develop as more participants get involved in new formats of the game, such as AFL Kinderkick, AFL 9s, AFL Active and Disability Inclusion modes of football. The overall trend is toward less-formal participation, and facilities need to be designed with maximum flexibility in mind to provide for playing and training and accommodate the needs of the changing football participant. AFL Queensland will play an active role in designing flexible football facilities that support a broader range of uses.
Changes in Society
Australian society is experiencing changes in a wide range of social areas including population shifts, rapid suburban growth and densification, disparities in disposable income levels, rising geographical mobility (coupled with a rising incidence of fly-in, fly-out work), reduced time available for volunteering, and increased flexibility in work structures with a diminished capacity to commit to formal sporting activities. These are
all issues which will influence the future provision and sustainability of football facilities and AFL Queensland will be mindful of wider social trends when providing facility investment and support.

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