Page 19 - AFL Queensland 2015 Year in Review
P. 19
G The Youth Girls Cup continues to be one of the biggest and best suppo ed one day carnivals. Carnival days now have a heavy focus on fun, serving as a great sta ing point to talk to girls about club football. Over 1000+ a ended the Youth Girls Cup over six venues.
G The Brisbane Lions and
Gold Coast SUNS Cups also provided a great pla orm
to showcase girls school footy, with over 54 teams playing across Queensland. School football continues
to provide the first touch point to engage girls in Australian football with 59,977 pa icipants, a 52 per cent increase in 2015.
G High school clinics for all
girls were introduced and generated great momentum for youth girls school and club competitions.
G NAB AFL Auskick continues to a ract large numbers of girls across Queensland with 8,300 signing up in 2015, a 25.84 per cent increase to 2014.
G Darling Downs had huge success with 50 per cent of their term three Auskickers female.
G Regions are now o ering the option for girls to pa icipate in an All Girls Auskick program, proving very successful among parents and pa icipants.
G Regional Auskick Match Program (RAMP)
G AFLQ introduced its first RAMP programs for girls
in 2015. Close to 200 girls experienced Queensland’s newest bridging program just for girls. The free six week match based program allows interested girls that added practice, experience and the confidence to join club football.
G The #Girlsplaytoo campaign continued to bring
awareness to the female game. The addition of Ruby Rukus was a winner, with heads turning wherever she went.
G Social Media moved to the next level with the #AFLQ StateChamps15 receiving 781.3K reaches – a huge result.
G The AFLQ’s o icial female strategy was developed and launched in October, giving the state a clear vision to 2018. The whole of business approach truly integrates every depa ment into the goal of building a strong and sustainable future for females in AFL, on and o  the field.

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