Page 43 - AFL Queensland 2015 Year in Review
P. 43
Tom Lynch and Steven May reached another level, while second-year dynamo Kade Kolodjashnij continues to impress, with his play and maturity beyond his years.
2016 is an oppo unity for the Gold Coast SUNS to gain greater respect on and o  the field and demonstrate the team is prepared to make the sacrifices required to be a strong AFL club.
They will welcome back some of
their most impo ant players who had their years wri en-o  by injury in 2015.
The entire Gold Coast SUNS first- choice midfield qua et of Gary Able , Jaeger O’Meara, Dion Prestia and David Swallow was barely spo ed, playing just 20 of a possible 88 games and not once stepping onto the field of ba le together.
The introduction of new personnel to the club’s High Pe ormance team will help curb the heavy
injury toll the SUNS endured this year, with recently appointed elite pe ormance director Justin Cordy overseeing the new fitness program.
The Gold Coast SUNS will be aiming to return bigger and be er in 2016, as the red, gold and blue strive towards a September appearance by achieving a maiden finals be h.

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