Page 76 - AFL Queensland 2015 Year in Review
P. 76
For the first time in its history, Queensland claimed both the Under 16 and Under 18 NAB AFL National Championships in the same year.
Both teams went through their respective championships undefeated, and both beat NSW/ ACT in the final game to clench the titles.
The Under 18’s kick sta ed it down in Victoria, led from the front beautifully by captain Ben Keays, to comfo ably win all three games.
A week later, the Under 16’s finished o  the job on the Gold Coast.
With the game in the balance at three qua er time against the RAMS, Queensland kicked four
goals to nil in the final 20 minutes, which included two cou esy of Connor Ballenden.
Queensland Academy and High Pe ormance coach, Adrian Fletcher, said these pe ormances prove the strength and growth
of Australian rules football in Queensland.
“At the end of the day, these results back up that we have got the talent here in Queensland. The kids playing are pu ing it together, and closing the gap to the hea land,” Fletcher said.
He hopes it gets more kids playing the game, and striving to be apa  of the state program.
“We hope it’s a great motivation for put their minds to it, that this is kids in the younger age groups, to what can happen,” he said.
play footy, and to show that if they

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